Philosophy Alive
New Books

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is the science whose object is all things according to their ultimate causes,
as ordered by natural reason. 
Historically, philosophy grew by friendly dialogue, and was financially free
(the philosophers, "lovers of wisdom," opposed the sophists, who charged money for "wisdom").
Our title Philosophy Alive explains that the vibrant future of philosophy
will consist in making philosophical analysis and synthesis relevant:
                         1.  Relevant philosophy must reflect themes of popular culture.
                         2.  Relevant philosophy must speak to public life.
                         3.  Relevant philosophy must dialogue with science.
                         4.  Revelant philosophy must dialogue with modern philosophers.
                         5.  Relevant philosophy must encourage a Socratic life.

For relevant philosophy see Ronald Anderson "The Future of Philosophy in Jesuit Higher Education" in Jesuit Education  21 (25 June 1999).
For relevant philosophy see Joachim Jung (Boltzmann Institute, Vienna) "The Future of Philosophy" in 20th World Council for Philosophy.

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Table of Contents
In 2015

This year we are concerned about the future of philosophy.  We need an active policy which makes it clear that philosophy should be involved in scientific life, practical life, and philosophical narrative, as Joachim Jung notes.  He also correctly opines that even the future of academic philosophy, the question of whether it will revive or continue to decline (in his opinion), solely depends on its ability to adapt to the requirements of our time.  We also celebrate the relation of the philosopher to leadership on our "Challenge" page.
In 2015 we intend to take up Darwin's Theory of Evolution.  The exposition of the theory will begin with the arguments of Darwin himself.  Since the Theory of Evolution has been contested on several levels, we will first examine Darwin by the use of  philosophy on several levels.  Mouse click our daughter Web Sites:
Darwin's Philosophy of Creativity 
Darwin's Philosophy of Science
Darwin's Philosophy of Evolution
Evolution and God                  
                          Suggestions, Ideas, submissions?  Contact: